April 1, 2009

Unsought Benefits & Update

I was going to save this update for a day where I had more to report, but I noticed something this morning. I've been noticing it for the last few days.

My favorite bra, which was always on the big side, is now more ill-fitting than ever. My boobs have shrunk.

It's more than any monthly fluctuation in cup-size I've experienced before, which has me believing that I've lost weight since I started drinking diluted apple cider vinegar daily. I didn't weigh myself at the start of this, because weight-loss wasn't one of the benefits of apple cider vinegar that I was seeking, but I definitely read a lot of people's happy recommendations who were drinking it for this very reason. For anyone who is looking to lose a little weight without doing anything at all, give it a try.

An update on hair: I got my boar bristle brush (and safety razor) in the mail this week. I tried the brush , and I think it did a lot to distribute oils, but there's so much crap in my hair now, it just looks more evenly grungy than it has. I've been pinning it back, which is how I wore it a lot when I was shampooing, so that's not a problem. It doesn't itch or smell, but definitely don't want to run my hands through it. A few days ago, I thought I had reached peak greasiness and that the only way it could go was cleaner. Guess I was wrong.

I am taking a weekend trip and would like to look presentable, so I'm going to cave on water-only and do a baking soda wash and apple cider vinegar rinse with a few drops of orange essential oil, which I've read can help with sebum control.

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